A Glimpse into the Unknown

A Glimpse into the Unknown

by Craig Hafer What do we really know about the unknown realm of unlimited possibilities, as Dr. Joe Dispenza would describe the source, the universe, the vortex, the divine matrix, god, heaven, etc. You might have been castigated 20 years ago, and perhaps even 10...
Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing

by Craig Hafer Are you aware of spontaneous remission? For example, a tumor miraculously shrinks and disappears in a cancer patient. The doctor is dumbfounded and says, “we must have misdiagnosed you four weeks ago.” Or the placebo effect? As in, during a drug trial,...
Minimalist Gift-Giving Guide

Minimalist Gift-Giving Guide

Life is a gift, “A life not live for others is not a life.” by Mother Teresa. Live life, giving time, attention, presence, talent, love, caring, and support. When we think about giving, we mistakenly think about material gifts are the only thing make others happy,...
Tears and Joy

Tears and Joy

39,731 tears and 39,731 steps of joy! What activity can invoke the emotions of so many tears and steps of running joy? This year began with the excitement of training for a spring marathon in my mother country of South Korea. Craig, my husband, was accepted into the...